Schroder International Selection Fund UK Equity Z Accumulation GBP

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Morningstar Rating™(Relatief t.o.v. Categorie)31-03-2024
 Morningstar RendementMorningstar RisicoMorningstar Rating™
3 JaarBenedengemiddeldGemiddeld2 star
5 JaarLaagGemiddeld1 star
10 JaarLaagGemiddeld1 star
Overall*LaagGemiddeld1 star
Meer over Morningstar Methodogie
Risico versus rendement31-03-2024
Std Deviatie15,64 %
3Jr Gemiddeld rendement1,16 %
Sharpe Ratio0,00
Statistieken moderne portefeuilletheorie31-03-202431-03-2024
 Standaard IndexBest Fit Index
 Morningstar UK All Cap TME NR GBP  Morningstar UK Mid GR GBP
3 Jr Beta1,070,75
3 Jr Alpha-7,99-1,32
* This share class has performance data calculated prior to the inception date, 2013-10-30. This is based upon a simulated/extended track record, using the track record of Schroder ISF UK Equity A Dis AV (ISIN: LU0045667853), and is in accordance with Morningstar’s Extended Performance Methodology paper. To find out more about this, click here.
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